Kayakalp activity at CHC Jheet, Drug districts Under the Kayakalp scheme, an activity for sensitizing the paramedical staffs (medical officers, Staff nurses, lab technicians, pharmacist, mitanin, and swappers) for promoting the cleanliness and hygiene was organized at Community health centre Jheet on 17/12/19 by members of kayakalp team and school of public health AIIMS Raipur. Dr AbhiruchiGalhotraAddl Prof and Coordinator of School of public health introduced the staffs regarding the importance of Kayakalp program. Dr Ujjawala Gaikwad Addl Prof and In charge of infection control program explained about the concept of infection control such as hand hygiene and personal protective practices and further decontamination and cleaning of instruments and Dr Padma Das Addl Prof and In charge of Biomedical waste managements explained about the current segregation practice of Biomedical waste and collection, storages and transportation of Biomedical waste. Dr Mrithunjay Rathore Nodal officer Kayakalp also sensitize the paramedical staffs about hygiene promotion and introduce the concept of Jai Johar campaign of AIIMS Raipur. At the end the question and doubts of the all the staffs were addressed. The activity ended with the vote of thanks.