621 |
NIT No.16/EE/AIIMS/RPR/2019-20 |
Inviting Tender for Providing and Fixing of False Ceiling in Main Receiving Substation and Medical Record Department including Dismantling and Refixing of False ceiling works at Kitchen ,AIIMS RAIPUR”. |
23-09-2019 |
10-10-2019 |
622 |
NIQ No: 09/EE/AIIMS/RPR/2019-20 |
Inviting Quotation for uploading"Fixing of scrub station at Medicine Ward C1 block 2nd floor, AIIMS Raipur". |
14-09-2019 |
18-09-2019 |
623 |
N.I.T. NO: 13/EE/AIIMS/RPR/2019-20 |
Inviting Tender for "Construction of aluminium partition, sitting platform and various other works in Hospital Block, AIIMS Raipur" |
14-09-2019 |
02-10-2019 |
624 |
NIT no- 11/EE/AIIMS/RPR/2019-20 |
Inviting Tender for SITC of submersible pump in existing bore well with necessary fittings at AIIMS hospital campus Raipur. |
13-09-2019 |
04-10-2019 |
625 |
NIQ No: 10/EE/AIIMS/RPR/2019-20 |
Inviting Quotation for uploading (Name of work-Aluminium partition in ward of Pulmonary Medicine and Platform Construction for Department of Dentistry, AIIMS Raipur (C.G.). |
13-09-2019 |
19-09-2019 |
626 |
02/EE/AIIMS/RPR/2019-20 |
Notice Inviting Tender for Construction of Nurses stations in Hospital buildings at AIIMS Raipur (2nd Call). |
11-09-2019 |
03-10-2019 |
627 |
NIQ No: 08/EE/AIIMS/RPR/2019-20 date:04-09-2019 |
Inviting spot Quotation for uploading "Aluminium partition and construction of RCC platform in department of Microbiology at AIIMS Raipur." |
04-09-2019 |
09-09-2019 |
628 |
09/EE/AIIMS/RPR /2019-20 |
Modification of ENT OPD and Ophthalmology OPD Miscellaneous Aluminium Partition and Other Civil Works in Hospital Blocks, AIIMS Raipur. |
10-08-2019 |
26-08-2019 |
629 |
10/EE/AIIMS/RPR/2019-20 |
Inviting Tender for Design, supply, fabrication, fixing and testing of Acrylic LED signage with ACP background at the front wall of Auditorium in AIIMS Raipur. |
02-08-2019 |
08-08-2019 |
630 |
NIT No: 47/EE/AIIMS/RPR/2018-19(2ND CALL) |
Inviting Tender for Construction of 166 seat Lecture Theatre at Medical College, AIIMS, Raipur (C.G.) |
18-06-2019 |
08-07-2019 |
631 |
NIT No: 01/EE/AIIMS/RPR/2019-20(2nd call) |
Inviting Tender for Up-gradation of New Biochemistry section at Central Lab in 1st floor D-1 Block, AIIMS Raipur. |
18-06-2019 |
08-07-2019 |
632 |
NIT No: 02/EE/AIIMS/RPR/2019-20 |
Inviting Tender for Construction of Nurses Stations in Hospital Buildings at AIIMS, Raipur |
19-06-2019 |
09-07-2019 |
633 |
02/EE/AIIMS/RPR/2019-20 |
Notice Inviting Quotation for Renovation work for department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation in AIIMS Raipur.(3rd Call) |
18-06-2019 |
24-06-2019 |
634 |
07/EE/AIIMS/RPR/2019-20 |
Notice Inviting Quotation for Replacement of existing lighting fixture by LED fixture at 1st Floor Trauma, Building, AIIMS Raipur. |
18-06-2019 |
21-06-2019 |
635 |
NIQ No: 05/EE/AIIMS/RPR/2019-20/250 |
Inviting Quotation for Miscellaneous Civil works for sample collection rooms and other maintenance works in Hospital Block, AIIMS Raipur (C.G.). |
30-05-2019 |
03-06-2019 |
636 |
NIQ No: 06/EE/AIIMS/RPR/2019-20 |
Inviting Quotation for Providing and fixing of collapsible steel shutters at PG Intern hostel in AIIMS, Raipur. |
30-05-2019 |
03-06-2019 |
637 |
54(1001)SE/AIIMS/RPR/249 |
Expression of Interest for the work of Fire Services at AIIMS Raipur (C.G.) |
30-05-2019 |
10-06-2019 |
638 |
NIQ No.02/EE/AIIMS/RPR/2019-20 |
Inviting Quotation for Electrical works at Medical gas plant, AIIMS Campus Raipur. |
15-05-2019 |
20-05-2019 |
639 |
02/EE/AIIMS/RPR/2019-20 |
Inviting quotation for Renovation work for department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation in AIIMS, Raipur. |
11-05-2019 |
17-05-2019 |
640 |
NIQ-2/EE/AIIMS/RPR/2019-20 |
Notice Inviting Quotation for renovation work for department of Physical Medicine and rehabilitation in, AIIMS Raipur. |
06-05-2019 |
09-05-2019 |